
Interview with Dr. Juan Jose Calva, Infectious Diseases Expert

I interview Dr. Juan Jose Calva on Imagen News, he provided a very interesting perspective of a doctor who has treated very ill patience with Swine Flu... Check out this interview..

Part 1 of the interview here

Part 2 of the interview here


  1. Thanks Ana Maria. Good interview and even better news that most people are recovering (if treated in time). One question: Do you know how long the incubation period is and if you can spread or catch it if the person is not yet showing symptoms?

    Enjoy the weekend ad keep safe!


  2. Dear Ana Maria,
    Thank you for all the effort you are putting into keeping the people informed, as well as the rest of the Imagen news team and other newscasts on Imagen too.
    I have been getting "chain emails" from people saying all kinds of things, from how the swine flu is actually an "invention" of the G7 group to distract the people of the world from their attention to the bad economy and to GAIN money via the laboratories that are now working on the vaccine! They say, with the money the International Bank (forgive me that I can't remember what institution it is, if the "FMI" or another) is lending Mexico, the economy WILL NOT be affected by the swine flu crisis, all the businesses that will stop working for a week or longer WILL NOT be affected because of this money. People are also questioning why this crisis started right after President Obama's visit to Mexico, and why the G7 countries are the only ones (apparently) affected by the influenza. I don't necessarily believe all those "conspiracy theories", Ana Maria, but, well, in this era of information you can't help but wonder who's telling the truth, the whole truth AND nothing but the truth. I don't doubt the media, but I doubt their sources. Thanks and keep up the GRRRRREAT work!


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