
Traveling during the times of Colera... Excuse me Swine Flu...

I apologize for the tacky play in words using Gabriel Garcia Marquez as an excuse to try to be funny... I am at the Mexico City Airport... Traveling to Merida.. Few of us are using masks, however, you need to answer a questionaire assuring that you do not have fever, headaches, runny nose. If you say yes to any of these, they recommend that you not travel todya. They shoulds also ask if we are in a bad mood... Which I am not, at least for today. The question is: When will they impose real travel restrictions. Apparently in Japan they are now performing fever scanning on all passengers coming from Mexico. According to John Kenneth Smith Ramos, who commented on my Facebook "They did that to us in the Beijing airport today, but 1) it's for everyone who is walking towards the immigration desks, not just Mexicans, and the 2) the gizmo just looks like a camera aiming at you so you don't have to do anything, you just walk. They also have been doing this on a permanent basis since SARS and the avian influenza epidemic, and is not the result of this latest scare." So, do not fear fever scanners, the worse that can happen is that you cannot fly, and you get stuck sick in some strange city...


  1. Mi esposa esta contenta de escucharla los domingos en la radio. Ella es canadiense y seguramente se convertira en su seguidora.

    Por favor si tiene mas informacion del asunto "influenza" ojala pueda darnos mas informacion.

    Saludos desde Cancun.


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